Afghan delegation discusses current Afghanistan situation with Pakistan Army Chief

Pakistan ArmyAfghan delegation discusses current Afghanistan situation with Pakistan Army Chief

RAWALPINDI, Pakistan: An eight-member Afghan delegation met with the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa on Tuesday, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said.

The delegation included Mr. Salahuddin Rabbani, Mr. Muhammad Younis Qanooni, Ustad Muhammad Karim Khalili, Mr. Ahmed Zia Masoud, Ustad Muhammad Muhaqiq, Mr. Ahmed Wali Masoud, Mr. Abdul Latif Pidram, and Mr. Khalid Noor.

The ISPR said that a detailed discussion was held about the current situation in Afghanistan.

Talking to the Afghan delegation the COAS said that Pakistan desires broad-based relations with Afghanistan and is willing to do everything possible to help Afghanistan achieve an all-inclusive settlement which is vital for regional peace and prosperity.

The Army Chief further reiterated that Pakistan stands with the people of Afghanistan.

The Afghan delegation acknowledged and appreciated the Pakistan Army’s sacrifices, untiring efforts, and contributions for peace, stability, and socio-economic development of Afghanistan.

The delegation also expressed their views regarding the way forward for Afghanistan.

Separately, the Chief of General Staff of Saudi Arabia General Fayyadh bin Hamed Al-Ruwaili called on the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) General Nadeem Raza at Joint Staff Headquarters in Rawalpindi.

The ISPR said that during the meeting, both sides deliberated upon various areas of mutual interest, bilateral cooperation including defence and security, counter-terrorism and the prevailing regional environment particularly with reference to Afghanistan and Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K).

The dignitaries dilated upon measures to enhance the level and scope of military engagements between both countries and reaffirmed to continue to forge deeper ties.

They agreed that both Countries share a great history of cordial relations and a deep spirit of brotherhood which is being transformed into an enduring partnership.

The Chairman JCSC said that in pursuit of a closer military and strategic cooperation both countries share a common perception on all national and international issues.

The dignitary lauded the high professionalism of Pakistan armed forces and acknowledged their sacrifices in the fight against terrorism.

The Chairman JCSC thanked visiting dignitary for acknowledging Pakistan Army’s achievements in the war against terrorism, sacrifices, and contribution for regional peace and stability.

Earlier, upon arrival at Joint Staff Headquarters, a smartly turned-out tri-services contingent presented ‘guard of honour’ to the visiting dignitary.

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