Afghan NDS collaborates with RAW for terrorism in Pakistan, reveals Indian spy

Top StoriesAfghan NDS collaborates with RAW for terrorism in Pakistan, reveals Indian spy

Afghan NDS collaborates with RAW for terrorism in Pakistan, reveals Kulbhushan Yadav

Afghan NDS collaborates with RAW for terrorism in Pakistan, reveals Indian spy

Quetta, Pakistan: Shocking revelations are coming out from the serving officer of Indian Navy and RAW spy Kulbhushan Yadav about how Afghan NDS collaborates with RAW for terrorism in Pakistan, claim sources.

Information given by Yadev are more than enough to shake up architects of Afghan-centric foreign policy that Pakistan had been following over three decades. Yadev was arrested while crossing Pak-Iran border in last week of March this year.

Information suggested that Pakistan has to stay vigilant as Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS) is working as second fiddle to RAW at western borders.

According to sources, RAW agent confessed during interrogation that he had been hosted by National Directorate of Security (NDS) of Afghanistan at many occasions. Pakistan had been instrumental in launching so-called democratic government in Afghanistan under a moral contract with international forces during so-called post 9/11 war against terror. Though Pakistan understood that Afghan governments that came into being after 2001 withdrawal of Taliban were not conversant to expectations Pakistan had from them but authorities in Pakistan could not imagine that people sitting in National Directorate of Security (NDS) of Afghanistan could actually wage a war to destabilize Pakistan in connivance with Indian intelligence agency RAW. The NDS is part of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and reports directly to the Office of the President of Afghanistan.

It may be mentioned that Rahmatullah Nabil, the former chief of the NDS resigned from his post on 10 December 2015 while leveling serious charges against. This development sent a message to Pakistan that how much NDS was against peace talks and Pakistan but even then Pakistan could not imagine that this outfit could directly work with RAW to spread terrorism in Pakistan and to destabilize CPEC project. It may be mentioned that chief of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Mullah Fazlullah had been living inside Afghanistan since Pakistan Army waged war against terrorists in restive tribal areas and Pakistan had been demanding the arrest of Fazlullah who is responsible of killing over 50,000 innocent people in Pakistan including serving officials of Pakistan Army. However

Sources claim that subverting activities of NDS against Pakistan did not stop with the departure of Rahmatullah Nabil and RAW continued to work with NDS. Sources added that RAW spy Yadev who is a serving officer in Indian Navy shared certain information during interrogation and such information led to the arrest of a NDS operator who had been living in Pakistan since long for helping terrorists to destabilize Pakistan from Karachi to Khyber.

NDS agent was arrested from a compound in Boghra town of Chaman district. Pakistani agencies are still not disclosing his name but just mentioned that action was taken jointly by Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), the Frontier Corps (FC).

Authorities confirmed that Afghan origin spy is also a serving official of NDS who managed to procure National Identification Card of Pakistan in the garb of a Pushtun from KPK. Authorities recovered four SMG magazines, five mix rounds, one sniper scope, one LMG belt, three Motorolla sets, 11 Motorolla antennas, bundles of prime cord, 25 small ball bearings, 10 large ball bearings, grenade pins, 18 explosive batteries, 25 battery sticks, one switch button, 18 battery connections, one pistol cover, two empty ammo bags, 75 detonator fuses, 30 detonator fuses light, 11 kg explosives, one night vision scope, 11 kg raw explosives, one MCBIED 0.25 explosives and other material from compound he was living in.

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