Aitzaz Ahsan believes all national institutions have to facilitate SCP

MediaAitzaz Ahsan believes all national institutions have to facilitate SCP

Monitoring Desk: Former federal minister of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Aitzaz Ahsan has said that Articles 189 and 190 of the Constitution order all national institutions to facilitate the Supreme Court of Pakistan beyond any doubt.

In his article published in Express Tribune on April 9, 2023, titled “Judges: 5 or 7? Days: 90 or more?”, he stated that Article 190 states “All executive and judicial authorities throughout Pakistan shall act in aid of the Supreme Court.”

He writes:

“In a time when tempers fly high sanity takes a backseat. When swords and sabers are drawn, the voices of reason are silenced. It is thus a mercy to see sanity and reason even where the battle is thick. The battle cry was given by the PML-N’s Information Minister demanding that the Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) resign. The demand was eagerly endorsed by her namesake and senior vice president of PML-N. The CJP appeared to them to be mortally wounded because these two ladies thought his opponents on the Court had defeated him 4:3. They smelled blood and wanted it to flow”.


His original article at Express Tribune can be read to click this link

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