Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg arrives in Pakistan

Foreign OfficeAustrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg arrives in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of Austria Alexander Schallenberg will visit Pakistan from March 16-19, 2022 at the invitation of the Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi.

The Austrian foreign minister will be accompanied by a business delegation.

During his visit, Alexander Schallenberg will hold delegation talks with Shah Mahmood Qureshi to review the whole range of bilateral matters as well as discuss regional and global issues of importance.

The Austrian foreign minister is also expected to meet other dignitaries during his visit. A business roundtable is being organized where Austrian and Pakistani businessmen will get an opportunity to discuss prospective business opportunities.

The Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg would undertake a visit to Lahore.

Austria is a valued partner of Pakistan. The two countries have longstanding, cordial relations with growing cooperation in diverse fields. A number of Austrian companies are doing business in Pakistan and the two countries have linkages in the field of higher education. Pakistan and Austria also cooperate closely at international fora.

The visit of Austrian foreign minister to Pakistan is expected to impart further impetus to the multifaceted Pakistan-Austria relationship.

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