Burhan Wani shall never die

SocialBurhan Wani shall never die

Burhan Wani shall never die

Srinagar, Indian Occupied Kashmir: Incarcerated Hurriyat leader and chairman salvation movement Zafar Akbar Bhat has denounced the curfew, internet gag, restriction, curbs, arrests and harassment to the people of Indian Occupied on the eve of first anniversary of martyr Burhan Wani.

In a statement issued through twitter, he also condemned the threatening to father of Muzaffar Wani not to organize any function of Burhan and let people visit grave of Burhan.

“Despite of all pressure tactics to suppress the freedom movement, martyrs of Kashmir and their mission of freedom is alive and people will take it to its logical end and no one can stop us from our genuine struggle right to self-determination”, said Zafar.

He also condemned the pellet firing and shelling over the civilians who were heading towards martyrs graved yard of Burhan for prayers.

Indian leadership should address the core issue of Kashmir and should take positive steps towards resolution of Kashmir issue instead of using military might .

Meanwhile its women’s wing Shazia Bhaji organized a protest rally at Sopore against the Indian forces oppression and a delegation on July 7th of JKSM including Imtiyaz Ahmed, Farooq Ahmed, Adnan Salfi, Zubair, Ishaq visited the martyrs grave yard of Burhan Wani at Tral and offer prayers for him, his associates and all other martyrs, later delegation visited the residence of Burhan and express solidarity with his family.

Burhan Wani shall never die
Burhan Wani shall never die

Spokesman demand release of all APHC leaders including Syed Ali Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Yasin Malik, Zafar Akbar Bhat and other youths detained in different Jails and police stations.

Must read
