CJCSC General Nadeem Raza Holds Meeting with Egyptian President & Armed Forces Chief

Pakistan ArmyCJCSC General Nadeem Raza Holds Meeting with Egyptian President & Armed Forces...

CAIRO, Egypt: The Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) General Nadeem Raza, who is on an official visit to Egypt, met President of Egypt General (retd), Abdel Fattah Elsisi and discussed matters of bilateral military cooperation including security, counter-terrorism and prevailing regional environment.

The Egyptian president conveyed his feelings of high esteem for the Pakistan Armed Forces and said that he valued brotherly relations between both the Countries.

The Chairman JCSC also reiterated that Pakistan is keen to expand its existing bilateral military to military cooperation with Egypt.

The dignitaries lauded the professionalism of the Pakistan Armed Forces and acknowledged their sacrifices in the fight against terrorism.

The Chairman JCSC also had separate meetings with the Minister of Defence & Commander-in-Chief of Egyptian Armed Forces General Mohamed Ahmed Zaki and Chiefs of the Tri-Services.

General Nadeem Raza led the 2nd Round of Defence and Security Talks. He highlighted the positive role of Pakistan in countering violent extremism, regional stability, connectivity and its impact on the region and beyond.

The Chairman JCSC also shared Pakistan’s contributions and efforts for peace and stability in Afghanistan.

Earlier upon arrival at the Ministry of Defence, the Chairman JCSC was presented Guard of Honour by a smartly turned out contingent of Egyptian Armed Forces.

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