COMSTECH, NETKENT Mediterranean Research and Science University ink MoU

EducationCOMSTECH, NETKENT Mediterranean Research and Science University ink MoU

By Hamid Khan Wazir

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The NETKENT Mediterranean Research and Science University, TRNC/ Turkey and OIC Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific & Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Tuesday.

With this MoU, the NETKENT Mediterranean Research and Science University will be inducted as a member of the COMSTECH Consortium of Excellence (CCoE).

CCoE comprises upon leading science technology and engineering academic and research institutions from OIC member states. By now 20 top institutions/ universities have become members of CCoE.

The aim of CCoE is to create S&T interdependence among OIC member states and build capacity in key areas of STEM through exchange programmes. CCoE was established last year by COMSTECH and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) under the “Science Diplomacy” initiative of MoFA, Pakistan.

Being a member of CCoE, the NETKENT Mediterranean Research and Science University will be able to exchange faculty, researchers, graduate, and postgraduate students, scientific publications, study programmes, academic projects or any data or information on the mutual understanding basis with any other member university of CCoE.

The CCoE membership provides an opportunity, to establish joint supervision, research projects, publications, and patents, to the member institutions.

NETKENT Mediterranean Research and Science University will be able to organize joint courses, workshops, seminars and skill development trainings along with participation in CCoE’s annual meetings and other activities.

COMSTECH may provide travel support to the visiting scholars or postdoctoral fellows.

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