Connivance of Indian Media and RAW puts regional peace into danger

MediaConnivance of Indian Media and RAW puts regional peace into danger

Islamabad, Pakistan: “The lethal connivance among Indian Media, ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Indian intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) has put regional peace into grave danger as Media is being used to instigate population against regional neighbours.

RAW designs terrorism in India and media creates a high pitch of hatred for neighbours like China and India before and after the execution of RAW planned state-sponsored terrorism like Pulwama attack”.

Connivance of Indian Media and intelligence agency RAW puts regional peace into danger
The connivance of Indian Media and intelligence agency RAW puts regional peace into danger

These were observations of leading analysts including Lt Gen (retd) Raza Muhammad Khan, Prof Shazia Cheema and former Ambassador Javed Iqbal. They were discussing the role of Indian media in spreading fake news and developing hatred against peace among the Indian population in famous PTV Current Affairs show titled “Badalti Rayy” hosted by Dr Sajjad Bukharion Thursday evening.

Participants of the show expressed their concerns that BJP government not only orchestrated terrorist attacks and wars on its own soil to allure the empathy of Indian people rather BJP incarcerates human empathy for the sake of its higher goal, which in its case was, higher power and ultimate control on State Institutions including on Research and Analysis Wing (RAW).

Experts were of the view that India had been running institutions all over the world to spread fake information about its neighbouring countries and the foremost target is (was) Pakistan. They stated that world media and international relations organisations should take an action against Indian organisations after EU Disinfo Lab exposed such networking and leaked chat conversation of Arnab Goswami indicated that Arnab knew Pulwama Attack before this attack was conducted by RAW.

“Steering of RAW by BJP politicians is, of course, a serious threat to an already turbulent region because politicians are unusually short-sighted, reckless and want instant results and gains without calculation of future and far-reaching consequences. Now it is confirmed that RAW had planned a fake attack but before its execution, the entire top-secret plan was being discussed by a media person and owner of the TRP collecting agencies,” commented Prof Shazia Cheema.

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