Defence and Martyrs Day: President pays homage to Pakistan’s armed forces

Government of PakistanDefence and Martyrs Day: President pays homage to Pakistan’s armed forces

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: In his message on Defence and Martyrs Day, President Dr. Arif Alvi has paid homage to the soldiers and officers who displayed the highest degree of valour and sacrificed their lives for the Country’s defence.

“I also salute the families of the shuhada for their fortitude and forbearance,” the president said.

The president said that our Defence and Martyrs Day on 6th September stands out in history as a symbol of courage patriotism and commitment shown by the armed forces and by the valiant nation.

President Arif Alvi said that on this day 56 years ago, the soldiers and officers of armed forces displayed unprecedented bravery and professionalism, and thwarted the evil designs of the enemy. He said that together with the whole nation at their back, Pakistan Army, Navy and Air Force defeated the enemy on all fronts.

The president said that the nation trusts the capability, combat readiness and resilience of our armed forces that have successfully overcome the security challenges faced by us.

The president said that our forces and agencies are also playing an active role in internal security and have successfully defeated terrorist elements to provide peace to us.

Dr. Arif Alvi said that our troops are actively contributing during floods, earthquakes and other natural calamities. They help maintain world peace under the UN banner.

“I am confident that the spirit of 6th September makes us stand firm and steadfast against all odds,” he said. “Today we are actively fighting a hybrid war being waged against us.’

The president commended the security agencies for their relentless efforts towards exposing the enemy carrying out covert activities.

Furthermore, he called upon the world community to come forward and condemn such naked hostilities aimed at sabotaging peace and stability in the region.

The president also said that Pakistan is fully cognizant of developments in our neighbourhood.

“We are committed to securing peace, and prepared to thwart any plot hatched to hamper peace,” he said adding that this brave nation will never compromise on our sovereignty, security and territorial integrity.

The president further said that we shall never back away from our principled stand on the issue of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). He said that we stand by the people of Kashmir in their just struggle for the right to self-determination guaranteed under the UN Security Council resolutions.

“Let us once again salute the heroes who sacrificed their lives while defending the motherland,” the president said.

“Let us make a resolve that while keeping alive the spirit of September in our hearts, we shall continue to play our roles towards safeguarding the security of Pakistan to ensure a prosperous future for the nation,” he concluded.

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