Documentary “Ushhaq ke Qafley” at National Press Club Islamabad on February 7

MediaDocumentary “Ushhaq ke Qafley” at National Press Club Islamabad on February 7


Harvard Kennedy School, beena sarwar
An eminent Pakistani journalist, peace activist and academic, Beena Sarwar.

Islamabad, Pakistan: A Documentary produced by film maker and ournalist Beena Sarwar about the Power of Student Unions and Forgotten Chapter of Political Activism in Pakistan- “Ushhaq ke Qafley” will be discussed and screened at Senior Journalist Forum weekly discussion at National Press Club Islamabad on February 7 (Friday) 2020.

The film features Pakistan’s first nation-wide student movement spearheaded by the Democratic Students Federation in Pakistan led by the producer’s late father Dr. M. Sarwar. It is a story that has been swept under the carpet in Pakistan, with no mention in any textbook.

The film was originally launched in Karachi January 2010 at an event titled “Looking Back to Look Forward” to commemorate Black Day when police firing killed several students and passers-by in 1953.

Click this link to read details about Documentary and Students politics in Pakistan.

Must read
