Extend CJ Iftikhar Muhammed Chaudhry

BlogsExtend CJ Iftikhar Muhammed Chaudhry

Umme Muhammed


Indeed 16th March 2009 was a glorious day in the Muslim history when the struggle of one courageous man, CJ Iftikhar Muhammed Chaudhry, with the support of his comrades and nation, reigned supreme. It was a most amazing Movement from the beginning. It was organized, energetic, bloodshed-free on part of the participants and achieved its goal in the short span of two years. The credit goes to CJ Iftikhar Muhammed Chaudhry’s brave courage, his fellow support and the awakening of an otherwise sleeping nation, all by the Grace of Allah Almighty. However, on the eve of victory, the show was stolen by none other than you, Mian Nawaz Shareef.


Mian Nawaz Shareef, Mian Shahbaz Shareef and PML-N workers burst from their residences in Lahore with such a zeal and ferocity that it had the whole nation dancing. Thank God our politicians have finally stepped out for a decisive act. And this decisive caravan had reached only Gujranwala whence the Judiciary was hurriedly restored…the then Prime Minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani, gave the restoration speech at six o’clock in the morning!


Today, the leader of the political caravan of Restoration of Judiciary is the Prime Minister of Pakistan itself. Today the decisions are in your hands. Today, you do not need to mobilize the nation but only to mobilize the hand with which you sign official documents.


CJ Iftikhar Muhammed Chaudhry lost almost two years of service to the nation when Pervaiz Musharraf had illegally removed him and the movement for his restoration was going on. It is only fair, to be fair to a person whose job is to met out justice, to return him his due two years.


For the past four years, the nation has been looking towards the CJ with hopeful eyes, writing to him and approaching him for almost all big and small matters. Some of the issues were not even directly related to the Judiciary, but people approached him because they trusted him and could hope for some direct or indirect action on his part to resolve whatever issue. Consequently, he must be a thorn in the eyes of corrupt, unjust and evil people amongst us, and I am sure they just cannot wait for his tenure to be over so that they can get rid of his sue mottos and justice.


I know institutes must be policy based and not personality based, but nonetheless it is humans after all who ensure that a policy is being followed in letter and spirit. Corrupt people are very good at twisting and playing around with words and facts to legalize evil acts. How do we know that a plot is not already on its way to bring in a corrupt Chief Justice through a ‘legal’ procedure, who will play puppet to the evil forces?


Sir, please give CJ Iftikhar Muhammed Chaudhry an extension of two years. It is the call of all those who wish to see justice prevail in the land and the nightmare of all those who are waiting for the CJ to leave so that they can get back to their black-holes to make more black money and do other black works.  Sir, please give CJ Iftikhar Muhammed Chaudhry an extension, either on the pretext of his lost years or otherwise in honor of his service to the nation for his efforts for the Restoration of Judiciary or for the continuation of daring justice in a politically fragile land. May Allah Almighty bless you with wisdom, courage and reward, Ameen.

Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
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