Faisal Vawda exposed the nefarious designs against Pakistan

MediaFaisal Vawda exposed the nefarious designs against Pakistan

Monitoring Desk: “The fears expressed by former PTI federal minister Faisal Vawda in a hurriedly called press conference are not “so unfounded” that the dirty, brutal, and ruthless game has entered a deadly phase where spreading corpses in streets is very much likely. His press conference cost him the termination of his basic membership in the PTI and the abusive allegations he is now facing from the PTI leadership. One should appreciate Faisal that he had exposed many allegedly planning dirty scenes to ham this country that is always going through economic disasters”.

This was observed by senior journalist and analyst Agha Iqrar Haroon in his article published in daily Pakistan Today under the title “ Haqeeqi March: Nothing for you to fear, no punishment to come”.

He writes that Chairman Pakistan Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan started his “Haqeeqi Azadi March” (Real Independence March) with the idea of Haqeeqi Azadi of the public and the politicians from the Army, which according to Imran Khan had been interfering in politics since the independence of Pakistan. Of course, his Haqeeqi Azadi is not from politicians in power because they, according to Khan’s narrative, are as powerless as Imran Khan claimed he had been when he was Prime Minister of Pakistan.

The writer claims that Imran Khan is threatening state institutions that allegedly created him as a hybrid politician for a hybrid system that has miserably failed.

Faisal Vawda exposed nefarious designs of PTI against Pakistan
Faisal Vawda exposed the nefarious designs of PTI against Pakistan

Read the full article by clicking this link at daily Pakistan Today

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