Federal secretary for narcotics control lauds role of INL-P

NationalFederal secretary for narcotics control lauds role of INL-P

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The Federal Secretary for Narcotics Control Akbar Durrani (TI)/PAS has appreciated the role of INL (International Narcotics and Law Enforcement) in countering narcotics in Pakistan.

In a meeting with the Director INL-P Ms. Dorothy Ngutter in Islamabad on Thursday, Akbar Durrani said that the level and scope of cooperation needs to be increased in order to completely eliminate the menace of narcotics from society.

The director INL-P said that they are willing to enhance cooperation and extend support in different areas of Human resource management with a specific focus on training and capacity building of officials of the anti-narcotics force.

The secretary welcomed the encouraging offer and further said that we have been devising our strategy to reduce the demand of narcotics, which we think will help us control and eventually eliminate the supply as well.

The director INL-P appreciated the approach and said that we would like to support in the demand reduction process. She further said that rehabilitation and treatment of drug addicts also need to be paid close attention to.

The federal secretary agreed to the remark and said that in order to take victims out of the trap, regional and international cooperation both hold great importance and close collaboration can be termed as the key to control the increasing threat. From illegal trafficking worldwide to increased demand, the challenges associated with the issue of narcotics are huge but not impossible to beat, Akbar Durrani said.

Complete elimination of drugs from society is our utmost preference and we will continue to work in that direction, the federal secretary for Narcotics Control assured all possible cooperation with INL to counter narcotics.

The meeting was also attended by Eric Watson, DEA Attachè, Mark Kennedy, Counternarcotics Advisor, INL, Yousaf Kairniwala, Program Assistant, INL, and Senior officials of Ministry of Narcotics Control.

Souvenirs were exchanged with a promise that cooperation will be enhanced in days to come.

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