French troops retake the central Malian

AfghanistanFrench troops retake the central Malian

French troops have retaken Malian. Early Monday morning, French and Malian troops entered the frontline towns of Diabaly and Douentza to little or no resistance.

Eyewitness claimed that rebels occupying the towns had abandoned them on the eve of France’s advance. In Douentza the advance was preceded by air strikes. It may be mentioned that Al-Qaeeda backed rebels left this place in a same style as Al-Qaeeda troops left Jalaabad and Kabul before the attack of allied forces in Afghanistan in year 2001, reports Dispatch News Desk (DND).

The recent push came amid news that militants were beginning to abandon their positions to regroup in the northern mountainous region of Kidal, 1,500 kilometers from the French and African forces’ arrival point in Bamako.



Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
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