Geo vs ISI–Fire or “In the Line of Fire”

HeadlinesGeo vs ISI--Fire or “In the Line of Fire”

Fire or “In the Line of Fire”

Geo at many instances made mockery of Judiciary, Armed Forces and even Democracy—eroding all institutions whenever and whatever it suits to Jang Group of Publication.

By Agha Iqrar Haroon

iqrar Islamabad:  Ministry of Defence application against Geo Television to Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) is of course result of the allegations leveled by brother of anchorperson Hamid Mir against Director General of Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) for his alleged involvement in attack on the life of Hamid Mir. Geo vs ISI is a popular hash-tag nowadays but diplomatic circles in Islamabad believe that both are “In the Line of Fire”. Jang Group broadcasted these allegations constantly followed by long transmission raising other cases of alleged involvement of ISI in attacks against media persons including the murder case of Saleem Shahzad. Now Fire has been ignited and media as well as ISI are “In the Line of Fire”. Demand of closing down Geo Television has been snubbed by all national organizations dealing with the rights of Media and media forums – CPNE, APNS and other forum irrespective of media divide of Left and Right wings have called demand of closure of Geo as unjustified rather editorials of newspapers (including one of The Nation of right wing) indicate that closure of ISI was not demanded in many debacles like OBL case etc etc. Representatives of All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS), Council of Pakistan Newspaper Editors (CPNE), Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, Lahore Press Club and South Asian Free Media Association (SAFMA), print and broadcast journalists met in Lahore  and passed resolution condemning the attack on Hamid Mir and threats to other journalists, and a campaign of harassment of mediapersons from various quarters. Media organisations demand: 1. An independent inquiry must be ensured and the Judicial Commission must investigate not only the Hamid Mir case but also all aspects of the conflict between media and the security establishment to not only find the real culprits but also propose such measures as could ensure the security of journalists from various quarters. Findings of the Judicial Commission be made public and implemented. 2. All media houses must observe media ethics and demonstrate solidarity on the issues of media freedom and security of mediapersons, instead of indulging in mudslinging against each other. 3. Media must avoid casting aspersions against any segment of national institutions and all state institutions must respect right to life and fundamental rights, including press freedom. 4. No measures to curb press freedom will be acceptable by the media community, civil society and democratic forces. 5. Restraint and caution must be observed by all sides and no interference be allowed in the affairs of the media by various arms of executive. 6. Media should evolve its code of ethics and observe it diligently. 7. PEMRA should be reconstituted making it a bipartisan body like the Election Commission of Pakistan. Status of PEMRA as a legitimate regulatory body is already under question in Courts and in national Assembly. Just two days before Hamid Mir incident, Standing Committee of National Assembly of Pakistan had demanded the disbandment of PEMRA. There are reports that Geo television and Jang newspaper are banned in cantonment areas of the country. Serving and retired army officials are demanding closure of Jang group of publication (that actually is Independent Media Corporation). Lines are drawn and positions are taken. Joint Investigation Team (JIT) will also investigate Geo television for its suspect and possible involvement in attack on Hamid Mir. Geowalas (Geo People) are claiming that all is done against Hamid Mir for broadcasting interview of Ministry of Defence Khawaja Asif against former Chief of the Army Staff Gen. Musharaf. They claim ISI got infuriated with Hamid Mir on this interview because this interview questioned involvement of Pakistan Army to provide a safe passage to Musharraf from Pakistan. Thousands stories are in air—against or far of Hamid Mir and against and far of Pakistan Army. This is the first time in the history of Pakistan that any ministry has moved to another ministry for closure of any media operator and media tool. Geo has been tagged as Traitor — a tool against the country and against the armed forces of Pakistan. Word (that is actually a phrase) “Ghaddar or Traitor” has a long history in political and journalistic history of Pakistan. There are many Bonafide Traitors in different span of times and during different martial laws. This is written in Constitution of Pakistan that action must be taken against anyone who tries to defame Armed Forces of Pakistan. PEMRA laws are also clear about this issue. However there is no definition what comprising and to whom it represents phrase “Armed Forces of Pakistan”? In past,  people had been tagged as traitors who were accusing Chief of the Armed Forces for wrongfully clamping Martial Laws (Gen Ayub and Gen. Zia eras), hanging elected prime minister in dubious murder case (Z.A. Bhutto case) and throwing elected prime minister in jail and trying him as traitor (Mian Nawaz Sahrif case). Traditionally we consider anybody who is serving in Pakistan Army is “Armed Forces of Pakistan” and questioning conduct of a serving official is “questioning Armed Forces of Pakistan”. There is no doubt that conduct of Jang Group of publication can be and could be questioned in many incidents and issues and there is no doubt that conduct of ISI can be and could be questioned in many incidents and issues. This extreme rift between Jang Group and Pakistan Army can bring many resolves for future—can clarify many ambiguous definitions and actually can provide parameter to national media as well as intelligence agencies what is their real role and their Term of Reference (ToR) because it looks today that many institutions have forgotten their ToRs and trespass, bypass and pass over norms and regulations. Media has become lethal for everyone not only for Pakistan Army. Anything goes on air without getting version of aggrieved party. Media houses have abolished the medium and institution of “editor” or Director News practically and owners are running everything from decision making to choice of footage to be used on screen. Jang and Geo at many instances made mockery of Judiciary, Armed Forces and even Democracy—eroding all institutions whenever and whatever it suits to Jang Group of Publication. India media of course used Geo transmission for defaming ISI because Indian media is very patriotic. Foreign Office of Pakistan on Thursday termed Indian criticism on its institutions as baseless and said those involved in this propaganda should first look into their internal matters. In her weekly media briefing in Islamabad on Thursday, Foreign Office spokesperson Tasnim Aslam said that negative reporting in connection with Hamid Mir’s episode is done, which does not surprise Pakistan. Damage is done to Pakistan and now only JIT report can tell the world what is the reality behind this incident. Jang Group has hired national and International lawyers to fight the battle in courts and there are reports former Chief Justice Iftikhar Ch has also been contacted to be a part of this Legal team. Geo will compare PEMRA laws with international justice laws and laws regarding freedom of expression and Media independence. It will make this case as “harassment against media”. On the other hand, people believe that Pakistan Army has gone too far to save his former general who is a chief of his political party. He is being given rest at Armed Forces hospitals. People wish God gives sanity to all to save this country from further disasters. A twitter I wish to share with you I got today It is time for introspection for the Media, army and the ISI”. 

Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
All the information published under this Author is via Web desk/Team/Contributors. Opinons and views of the Organization may differ from the views represented here

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