HC Pakistan to Bangladesh, Imran Siddiqui briefed media on the agenda 48th OIC Session to held in Islamabad

Foreign OfficeHC Pakistan to Bangladesh, Imran Siddiqui briefed media on the agenda 48th...

Dhaka, Bangladesh: High Commissioner for Pakistan to Bangladesh, Imran Ahmed Siddiqui briefed the media this evening on the agenda and possible outcome of the 48th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers being held in Islamabad on 22-23 March 2022, says an official statement. A special meeting on Rohingya issue will also be held on the sidelines of the meeting.

The High Commissioner emphasized that the 48th Session had special significance as it was coinciding with the 75th anniversary of Pakistan’s independence. Pakistan looks forward to welcoming the honoured guests on this auspicious occasion. All the Heads of Delegation will be invited to witness the traditional ‘Pakistan Day Parade’ on 23 March 2022 as “Guests of Honor”, he said.

Highlighting significance of the OIC, the High Commissioner said that the OIC is the second largest organization after the United Nations with a membership of 57 states spread over four continents. Pakistan is the founding member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which is the collective voice of over 1.5 billion Muslims. He added that the Prime Minister of Bangladesh had attended the 2nd OIC Summit held in Lahore, Pakistan in 1974.

Referring to the historical background of the OIC meetings, the High Commissioner said that so far, 14 OIC Summits, 7 Extraordinary OIC Summits, 47 Meetings of OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) and 17 Extraordinary Meetings have been held.

The High Commissioner further said that theme of the 48th Session i.e. “Partnering for Unity, Justice, and Development” represented Pakistan’s commitment to promoting unity within the Ummah, advance the cause of justice for all Islamic peoples, and promote inclusive and sustainable development for the OIC Member States. Guided by this vision, Pakistan would seek to build bridges of cooperation and partnerships amongst the OIC Member States and beyond, he added.

HC Pakistan to Bangladesh, Imran Siddiqui briefed media on the agenda 48th OIC Session of Council of Foreign Ministers to held in Islamabad
HC Pakistan to Bangladesh, Imran Siddiqui briefed media on the agenda 48th OIC Session of Council of Foreign Ministers to held in Islamabad

Hon’ble FM of Pakistan, Mr. Shah Makhdoom Qureshi has invited the Hon’ble FM of Bangladesh, Mr. A.K. Abdul Momen to attend the 48th Session, he said.
On the discussions to be held at the OIC-CFM, the High Commissioner said that the range of issues before the 48th Session is both broad-based and diverse. Discussions would encapsulate matters of peace and security, economic development, cultural and scientific cooperation and revitalizing the role of the OIC etc. The over 100 resolutions to be adopted during the Session, will articulate the OIC’s perspective on major contemporary issues, he added. The High Commissioner further underlined that the Session will also provide an opportunity to take stock of, and review the decisions taken during the 17th Extraordinary Session to alleviate the urgent humanitarian situation in Afghanistan.

On Pakistan’s role as CFM Chair, the High Commissioner said that Pakistan would continue to work with the other OIC Member States including Bangladesh, towards harnessing ‘collective ambition’ into ‘concrete action’, and to take tangible steps to further strengthen bonds of Islamic solidarity and cooperation.

The High Commissioner expressed confidence that the 48th CFM would prove to be a landmark Session in Muslim Ummah’s combined efforts to chart a joint Islamic way forward. On part of Muslim Ummah, Pakistan remains committed to supporting all efforts aimed at promoting unity, brotherhood, and prosperity among the Muslim world.

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