India at risk by Hindutva-led BJP regime: PM Imran Khan

Government of PakistanIndia at risk by Hindutva-led BJP regime: PM Imran Khan

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Prime Minister Imran Khan has regretted that the Hindutva-led BJP regime in neighboring India could become a threat for its own Country as the specific ideology has excluded its major population, and exclusion can only create radicalism.

In his address at the Inaugural Session of the Islamabad Conclave 2021 held at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) on Thursday under the theme “A Peaceful and Prosperous South Asia”, the prime minister said that we tried our best to develop peace with India since he assumed the office in 2018 but unfortunately the Modi-led Indian regime took every initiative as our weakness.

The prime minister said that under our geo-economics approach, Pakistan wants to enhance the connectivity for increasing trade with regional Countries.

In this regard, he added that we are trying to take maximum benefit from China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

The prime minister also stressed the world nations to not polarize them on the pattern of the Cold War. He said that we also want to play role in reducing distances between China and the US.

Imran Khan also stressed the need for evolving a collective regional approach to deal with the shared challenges including global warming, peace and trade. He noted that the major issues of the region including Afghanistan and Kashmir can only be resolved through dialogue.

Prime Minister Imran Khan also urged the world leaders to play their role in averting the impending humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan by releasing their frozen assets. He said that these assets are linked with saving the lives of 40 million Afghan people, who have been suffering for so long.

The prime minister said that through the platform of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), in its forthcoming Foreign Minister’s meeting, we will try to play our role for saving Afghan people against any humanitarian crisis.

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