India used Coronavirus as Weapon against Muslims, reports Russian Television RT News

IndiaIndia used Coronavirus as Weapon against Muslims, reports Russian Television RT News

Monitoring Desk: Coronavirus was used as a weapon against Muslims in India, reports Russian Television RT News.

In a show “News with Rick Sanchez”, a video report about India explained how hate for Muslims in India had weaponized Coronavirus against Muslims, and BJP of Prime Minister Modi tagged Muslims as “Corona Jihadis” and “Corona Bombs”.

The report says that Coronavirus brought hate against Muslims to the new highest by blaming the community for conspiring to spread COVID-19. It was confirmed in the report that BJP directed its followers not to buy vegetables and fruits from Muslims and asked Hindu vendors to place the BJP flag on their shops and wheelbarrows. Such acts worked to further divide Indian society and ensured economic strangulation of the Muslim community.

It may be mentioned that economic strangulation and harassment of Muslims in India earned outrage to India from all over the world, particularly from the Muslim world. Arab and gulf countries strongly condemned treatment faced by Muslins in India,

The General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) expresses deep concern following recent media accounts of rising anti-Muslim sentiments and Islamophobia within political and media circles and on mainstream and social media platforms, where Indian Muslim minority is blamed of spreading the coronavirus in the country.

Meanwhile, The Washington-based United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has released its annual report 2020, recommending India to be designated as the “Country of Particular Concern” for the first time since 2004.

Video Report is hereunder


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