Indoor dining, weddings & gatherings banned in Islamabad

UncategorizedIndoor dining, weddings & gatherings banned in Islamabad

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: As per the decisions taken by the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC), the Islamabad administration has banned indoor dining, weddings, and gatherings, etc in the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) from January 24, 2022 to curtail the rapid growth in COVID Cases.

In a Twitter statement on Wednesday, the Deputy Commissioner Islamabad Muhammad Hamza Shafqaat apprised about the above-mentioned ban and also told that from January 24, a maximum of 300 people with the condition of being fully vaccinated would be allowed to attend an outdoor gathering in the ICT.

Earlier in the morning, the NCOC announced more stringent restrictions especially for areas all over the Country with above 10% COVID-19 positivity ratio.

The positivity ratio in the Islamabad Capital Territory on January 18, 2022 stood at 11.8% as out of 5,948 people tested for the virus, 702 returned positive.

As of now, a total of 112,557 Coronavirus Cases, 969 deaths, and 108,184 recoveries have been recorded in the Capital Territory since the beginning.

Under the new guidelines announced by the NCOC, the restrictions on the limit of people for indoor and outdoor weddings will continue till February 15.

The educational institutes will remain open with stringent COVID protocols while offices will continue working with 100% attendance for fully vaccinated people however work from home will be encouraged.

However, the NCOC directed for 50% attendance of students below 12 years of age in districts where the COVID positivity ratio is above 10%.

The indoor and outdoor gatherings, cinemas, amusement parks and sports activities will continue but only for fully vaccinated people.

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