Islamophobia in West: British MP was humiliated and stopped from boarding Air Canada flight because his name was “Mohammad”

Islamophobia in West: British MP was humiliated and stopped from boarding Air...

Monitoring Desk: British MP humiliated and stopped from boarding Air Canada flight because his name was “Mohammad”, reports Guardian.

According to the report, Labour’s MP Mohammad Yasin was taken aside at Heathrow and Toronto despite traveling on official business.

Mohammad Yasin was due to fly to Canada with other MPs from the Commons but he was stopped at the airport for “for a considerable period” at airports in both countries. His colleagues called this event as “racist and Islamophobic nature”.

Islamophobia in West: British MP humiliated and stopped from boarding Air Canada flight because his name was “Mohammad”
Islamophobia in West: British Labour’s MP Mohammad Yasin was humiliated and stopped from boarding Air Canada flight because his name was “Mohammad”

When he asked authorities for his strange questioning, he was told it was because his name was Mohammad. The questioning was undertaken by officials from Air Canada despite having a valid visa to enter Canada. After proving he was an MP with the help of my committee clerk, he was eventually allowed through.

At Montreal airport, the same issues were raised by Canadian immigration. On return to Toronto airport on the way back, he was again stopped for questioning.

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