Kazakhstan tops in Central Asia at Economic Freedom Index 2020

BusinessKazakhstan tops in Central Asia at Economic Freedom Index 2020

Monitoring Desk: Kazakhstan which is already leading in economic growth in Central Asia has got top position in Economic Freedom 2020 Index released by experts of the American research institute Heritage Foundation.

The Index assessed the economic freedom of 180 countries of the world.

According to Asiaplus News, Tajikistan dropped from last year’s 122nd place to 155th, being located among countries with a predominantly unfree economy.

The authors of the rating estimated the level of freedom of the economy of Tajikistan at 70.6 points, this indicator decreased by 3.4 points compared to 2019. Thus, the republic dropped from last year’s 122nd place to 155th.

«The economy of Tajikistan is growing, but the republic is still one of the poorest in Asia, partially dependent on remittances», – the authors of the rating note.

The highest position among the countries of Central Asia is held by Kazakhstan – 39th place. Kyrgyzstan is in 81st place, Uzbekistan – in 114th place.

Below Tajikistan, among the countries of the region, only Turkmenistan is located – 170th place. Russia is in 94th place.

The Index explains rating about better environments providing by governments to do business for domestic as well as for foreign investors, businessmen, and international groups.

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