Sixth Session of the National Minorities Commission

National Minorities Commission - The National Minorities Commission (NMC) has strongly condemned India's persecution of peaceful protests by Sikh farmers, saying that India, the claimant of the largest democracy, has always deprived the rights of its minorities. While presiding over the Sixth Session of the National Minorities Commission at the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony in Islamabad on Wednesday, the Chairman NMC Cheela Ram Kewalani said that India must stop human rights violations, noting that Hindus who migrated from Pakistan also want to return. The meeting was attended by members of the Minority Commission, Officials of the Islamic Ideological Council, the Ministry of Interior, Law & Justice, the Ministry of Human Rights, and the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The meeting discussed a number of important issues including the draft of the National Minorities Commission Act 2020, improving the plight of minorities living in Pakistan, protecting their religious places, and eliminating negative propaganda against Pakistan at the international level. The Chairman NMC said that the protection of minorities was the responsibility of the State and without the Act, the National Minorities Commission was incomplete. The detailed consultations are underway on the draft National Minorities Commission Bill 2020. After completion of consultation with all stakeholders, the draft bill will be sent to the Cabinet for approval. Cheela Ram Kewalani said that Quaid-e-Azam's vision will further improve the plight of minorities in accordance with the Constitution of Pakistan. He said that the Commission will use all its capabilities to promote interfaith harmony. The Commission Members were informed that Chairman Cheela Ram Kewalani accompanied by the some Commission Members visited the Sadhu Bella Ashram in Sindh and met the Hindu administration there. The Commission recommended the concerned agencies to take necessary steps for the early repair of the dilapidated ashram. The Chairman of the Minority Commission thanked the other Ministries, especially the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony for their support to the Commission.

Minorities panel condemns Indian persecution of Sikh farmers’ peaceful protest

Chairman National Minorities Commission (NMC) Cheela Ram Kewalani