Modi is creating a Hindu nationalist state, says George Soros

KashmirModi is creating a Hindu nationalist state, says George Soros

Monitoring Desk: George Soros who has been a prominent international supporter of democratic ideals and causes for more than 30 years, has strongly criticized Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi in his address in Davos at World Economic Forum, reports Eurasia News.

He said that Indian Prime Minister Narendra is creating a Hindu nationalist state out of democratic India.

George Soros
George Soros

George Soros maintained that Hindu nationalist state is being established by imposing punitive measures on Kashmir (Read as Indian Occupied Kashmir) and threatening to deprive millions of Muslims of their citizenship.

His philanthropic organization, the Open Society Foundations, supports democracy and human rights in more than 100 countries and he announced $1 billion for universities all over the world during his speech at Davos for enhancing capacity of students.

It may be mentioned that majority of Indians irrespective of their religious background have stood against CAA and NRC laws and for Kashmiris caged in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Indian progressive and Human Rights organizations have opposed CAA and NRC stating that Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) is discriminatory at the first instance because it targets Muslims beyond the stated intent of the law. It is unacceptable for any country including one with a secular Constitution to distinguish between citizens, foreign or domestic, on the basis of religion. Further, the Act has the potential to deepen geopolitical divides among the countries of South Asia at a time when they should be striving for peace and mutual understanding.


Related News: Indian Civil Right activists break 9 myths by staging country-wide protests over CAA-NRC


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