Mushaal Mullick honored with Human Rights Award

KashmirMushaal Mullick honored with Human Rights Award

ISLAMABAD: The Chairperson Peace and Culture Organisation Mushaal Hussein Mullick received Human Rights Award on Thursday from the Parliamentarians Commission for Human Rights (PCHR) in recognition of her incessant and tireless struggle to fight the Kashmir freedom case at all fora, besides exposing the dirty face of the fascist Hindutva regime globally.

Mushaal Mullick, wife of jailed Kashmiri Hurriyat leader, Muhammad Yasin Malik, was presented the award at a function to Commemorate Universal Human Rights Day to be observed across the world on December 10.

The senior Hurriyat leader thanked the Parliamentarians Commission for Human Rights for giving her the prestigious award.

Speaking on the occasion, she said that Indian brutal forces have virtually turned the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) into the world’s largest open prison and slaughterhouse where innocent people are being arrested and killed on a daily basis.

The Kashmiri leader said that Universal Human Rights Day is being observed regularly every year but practically no step has been taken to rein in the growing human rights violations in the valley.

Mushaal said that the fascist Hindutva regime crossed all limits of barbarism and state terrorism to silence the dissenting voices in the valley.

Shedding light on the magnitude of the human rights violations in the occupied territory that occurred only during the last around three-decades, Mushaal said that over 95,920 innocent Kashmiri people have been martyred while over 10,000 subjected to custodial disappearance by Indian troops.

Mushaal Mullick said that Indian state terrorism had rendered 22,939 women widowed and more than 107,855 children orphaned. The chairperson further added that 11,246 women have been raped or molested while 110,440 residential houses were damaged and property worth billions have been destroyed by the Indian occupational forces during the period.

However, she deplored the silence of the world community on the stepped-up Indian state terrorism and unprecedented upsurge in war crimes in the territory.

Mushaal said that the criminal silence adopted by the world community has emboldened the fascist Narendra Modi regime to further accelerate its brutalities on innocent Kashmiris.

The chairperson went on to say that India was carrying out shameful acts in IIOJK without complete impunity without any fear of accountability rather they are being rewarded and awarded for killing and torturing Kashmir people.

Talking about the detained Kashmiris, Mushaal said that the detained leaders including her husband Yasin Malik and activists were being deprived of basic facilities including medical care and hygienic food as per the jail manual putting their lives were at stake.

She demanded the UN and the human rights organizations take notice of the inhuman treatments meted out with the Kashmiri detainees and ensure their release who have been languishing in jails in false and fabricated cases.

Mushaal vowed that as the fascist Modi surrendered before the farmers, he would have to reverse one day his government’s inhuman, unlawful and unconstitutional act of stripping the special status of Kashmir.

The Hurriyat leader made it clear that the Kashmiri people would never compromise on their birthright of self-determination and they would take their freedom struggle to its logical end come what may.

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