Mushaal urges world to declare Hindutva regime as Int’l terrorist outfit

KashmirMushaal urges world to declare Hindutva regime as Int’l terrorist outfit

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Mushaal Hussein Mullick, the Chairperson of Peace and Culture Organisation, has demanded that the world should take unified and strict actions against the radical and fascist Hindutva regime like they are doing against ISIS, as they made life a hell for dwellers of the scenic valley.

Mushaal, the wife of illegally detained Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Yasin Malik, in a statement on Friday said that the international community and human rights organizations are on one voice against the brutalities and atrocities committed by ISIS which is commendable.

However, she raised questions over the world’s double standard by adopting complete silence over the state terrorism and inhuman acts committed by the Hindutva regime in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Zionist regime in Palestine.

Mushaal said that the dream of true peace could only be materialized when the world powers and UN bodies shun the duplicity and keep humanity and human rights above their financial interests and personal likes and dislikes.

Reacting to the deployment of additional 5,500 Indian occupation troops in IIOJK, the chairperson stated that the occupied valley has already been turned into a garrison city, and sending more troopers is the clear indication that the fascist government would further intensify and escalate its genocidal acts in the scenic valley.

The Hurriyat leader demanded that the world should include Narendra Modi’s Hindutva regime into a world-declared international terrorist organization, which unleashed a reign of terror in Kashmir.

Mushaal Mullick went on to say that the brutal forces killed the Kashmiri youth with impunity, as they raided houses and raped women and girls sans any fear of accountability because the fascist regime provided them legal cover under draconian laws.

Mushaal lamented that senior Kashmir leaders including her husband Yasin Malik have been languishing in jails and are facing Indian authorities’ brutalities for their sole crime to seek liberty from Indian brutal clutches.

However, the Hurriyat leader added that the UN became a toothless lion and miserably failed to even implement its own passed resolution regarding the Kashmir settlement.

The Chairperson urged the world powers to muster the courage to take some bold steps to bring the Hindutva regime to its knee in order to sort out the decades-long Kashmir dispute as per the aspirations of the people of the valley.

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