NATO questions President Ghani over corruption in Afghanistan

NewsNATO questions President Ghani over corruption in Afghanistan

By Varonika for Dispatch News Desk News Agency

Moscow, Russia: Afghan President Ashraf Ghani faced harsh questioning during NATO Summit Brussels 2018 and majority of members of the meeting expressed their dissatisfaction over the way the government is run in Afghanistan.
While committing financial sustainment of the Afghan forces through 2024, NATO members expressed their dissatisfaction over ever-increasing corruption in Afghanistan and throbbing production of narcotics.
In a meeting of Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan which took place on July 12, 2018 during NATO Summit in Brussels, Germany expressed its concerns over human right violations in Afghanistan committed by Afghan authorities while all NATO members questioned Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah about large scale corruption in administrative hierarchy of Afghan government.
Sources in Brussels indicate that NATO members were of the view that Afghan government has failed to increase capacity of its security institutions and forces and for providing security for the Afghan people.
European members of NATO expressed dissatisfaction over effectiveness of civilian leadership, situation of human rights, large scale corruption in security structures as well as in other government structures.
It is learnt that European members were of the view that progress on governmental reforms such as merit-based promotion and fulfill agreed conditions related to financial support; and promote transparency and accountability are not seen in Afghan government despite the fact that NATO had been spending a huge amount every year to get results from Afghan government.

NATO Summit Brussels 2018
NATO Summit Brussels 2018: NATO questions President Ghani over corruption in Afghanistan

NATO members from Europe also questioned Afghan President about postponement of Parliamentary and Presidential elections twice in one year and said that Afghan government must provide environment to hold credible, free, fair, and inclusive parliamentary elections in 2018 and presidential elections in 2019 to ensure financial support from NATO members. Sources indicate that Afghan President Ghani was of the view Pakistan was responsible for postponement of elections twice in Afghanistan as Pakistan is supporting Taliban. However, his justification was not accepted by majority of members of the meeting who were of the view that it was responsibility of Afghan government to hold elections and a neighbouring country can (could) not be blamed for ill planning Afghan government had for elections which had to be postponed twice.

NATO members also showed their concerns that Afghan government has failed to in countering narcotics trafficking; in promoting job creation, and in improving economic opportunities and service delivery to Afghan citizens.

NATO members were of the view that Afghan government gave commitment to NATO members for curbing violence, improve economic prospects, help set social, security and economic conditions for long-term stability but nothing is seen in reality.

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