NCOC stresses on stepping up administration of 2nd COVID dose to eligible individuals

NCOC stresses on stepping up administration of 2nd COVID dose to eligible...

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The National Command and Operation Center (NCOC) morning session presided by the Chairperson NCOC Asad Umar and the National Coordinator NCOC Major General Zafar Iqbal was held in Islamabad on Monday.

The forum was apprised on the progress of the Mass Vaccination Drive across the Country.

Expressing satisfaction over the vaccination of students of 12-18 years age group in all federating units, the forum stressed upon reaching out to school administration and parents besides all possible facilitation for optimum vaccination.

The forum also emphasised on stepping up the administration of the second COVID dose to eligible individuals.

The Chairperson NCOC Asad Umar appreciated the synergetic efforts of all stakeholders for bringing down the positivity ratio of COVID-19 and implementing an obligatory vaccination regime for enhancing public safety and well-being.

Meanwhile, in the last 24 hours, 9 more people succumbed to COVID-19 and 449 new Coronavirus Cases emerged across the Country.

So far, the Country has recorded a total of 1,277,160 Coronavirus Cases, 28,547 COVID deaths, and 1,225,880 recoveries since the outset.

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