New governments in Kabul and New Delhi will oppose truce of Pakistan with TTP

AfghanistanNew governments in Kabul and New Delhi will oppose truce of Pakistan...

New governments in Kabul and New Delhi will oppose truce of Pakistan with TTP


New governments in Kabul and New Delhi will oppose truce of Pakistan with TTP

Islamabad: New governments in Kabul and New Delhi will strongly oppose any truce of Pakistan with Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and will blame Pakistan for using terrorists’ against them if anything will happen inside India or Afghanistan. Forthcoming new President of Afghanistan Abdullah Abdullah will have zero tolerance level for TTP or Taliban inside Afghanistan. Taliban who are 100% Pushtun ethnic participation had allegedly been involved in manslaughter of soldiers Northern Alliance and massacre of people of Hazara, Tajik and Uzbek communities and these are ethnic groups Abdullah Abdullah represents. Old narrative of Pukhhun Bhai (Pushtun Brothers) will not work for Pakistan now and TTP will have low acceptance level within Afghanistan from where it is operating right now. These are observations of political experts who are dealing with regional issues.

Pakistan went for general elections in year 2013 while its two neighbours—one at its eastern border and second on its western border have gone for elections this year. Pakistan’s foreign policy for eh last 3 decades has been Pushtun Jihad centric at its western border and Jihadi centric at its eastern border.

Formation of Lashkars (Islamic Corp of fighters for Islam), importing and exporting Jihadis from and to all over the world and justifying radicalism has not only ruined entire social fabric of Pakistan and killed around 55,000 people rather damaged Kashmir cause internationally. Unfortunate to say that protests rallies in favour of Pakistan Army against Geo Television had been organised mostly by banned organisations. It was done by theses banned organisations to get support of Pakistan Army or to malign Pakistan Army, nobody understands because Pakistan Army is fighting against terrorism and banned organisations and sacrificing its soldiers with every sun rise in tribal areas of Pakistan.

Modi is a popular leader having popular support so he will act as a custodian of People and will demand Pakistan to share investigations and proceedings of Mumbai Attack. One cannot compare Manmohan Singh with Modi. They are two different mind-sets and personalities.

On the western borders, if Abdullah Abduallah comes in power—he will demand Pakistan to stop cross border terrorism. Abduallah Abduallah is half Pushtun half Tajik because his father was a Pushtun but his mother was Tajik and he had been fighting against Taliban and Pushtuns since he joined politics. He is not Hamid Karzai who had soft corner for Pushtun Afghan leaders. Abduallah Abduallah is very clear minded person having long affiliation with one party that international media and Pakistan had been calling Northern Alliance but actually there was no Northern Alliance rather an Alliance  that should be called “Anti-Pustun Alliance”. Pakistan should remember that its Pushtun centric foreign policy can be harmful for Pakistan. Abdullah Abduallah will continue have trust deficit if Pakistan will continue to post Pushtuns at important assignments and posting in Ministry of Foreign affairs, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Interior. Non-Pushtun Afghans blame Pakistan that Pakistan always operate inside Afghanistan in internal affairs of  Afghanistan through Pushtun operators who have personal, family and ethnic relations within Afghanistan and work for the cause of Pakistan.

Abdullah Abduallah will strongly object any truce of Pakistan with Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and will blame Pakistan using TTP inside Afghanistan if TTP and government of Pakistan join hands out of any deal between them. Pushtun Taliban in past were allegedly involved in mass slaughtering of Northern Alliance soldiers so Abdullah Abdullah government will have zero level of tolerance for the Taliban of both sides.


Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
All the information published under this Author is via Web desk/Team/Contributors. Opinons and views of the Organization may differ from the views represented here

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