Newly established Ethiopian Embassy in Islamabad will enhance bilateral relations between Pakistan and Ethiopia: Ambassador Jemal Beker

Diplomatic CircleNewly established Ethiopian Embassy in Islamabad will enhance bilateral relations between Pakistan...

Islamabad – Ambassador of Ethiopia, Jemal Beker has said that the newly established Ethiopian Embassy is going to focus on Economic diplomacy where trade, investment, tourism, technological transfer, capacity building, and people-to-people relations will be enhanced. To implement this grand policy and strategy the Embassy is working with concerned authorities to start the direct flights of Ethiopia airlines to Pakistan, the biggest airline in Africa.
Mr. Jemal Beker stated this in his keynote address at the Interactive forum on “Ethiopia-Pakistan relations and future cooperation prospects” hosted by the Center of Pakistan and International Relations(COPAIR) under its project Digital Diplomacy in collaboration with International Journal “Pakistan in the World”. COPAIR is an Islamabad-based think tank where media groups, TV Anchors, and Office bearers of the National Press Club Islamabad attended the event held on 20 September 2022.
Journalist Tazeen Akhtar shed light on the commonalities between the two countries from the history of Islam to the present day world. Chairperson COPAIR highlighted the prospects of enhancing the level of bilateral trade and joint ventures between the business communities of the two countries.
Ambassador Jemal Beker said, ” Ethiopia-Pakistan diplomatic relations started in 1958. Pakistan opened its Embassy in 1973 in Addis Ababa. Since then, the two countries enjoy cordial diplomatic relations that go beyond decades. Ethiopia and Pakistan share a common destiny and cooperate in a range of areas such as international peace and security, peacekeeping, fighting counterterrorism, and multilateral cooperation.”

Ambassador noted, ” For economic diplomacy, it is imperative to understand the potential of these two giant countries and find an ‘O-ring’ that connects and attaches them for future cooperation and collaboration along different sectors and fronts.”
“To this end, the use of digital diplomacy tools such as social media like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, mainstream media, and print media to raise awareness of the public about the opportunities and prospects in these two sisterly countries is very crucial. Hence, I am looking forward to working closely with the Pakistan media, public and private in promoting the mutual interests of the two nations”, Mr. Jemal Beker shared.

Ambassador appreciates the cordial and warm hospitality extended to him since he arrived in Islamabad that will be the energy and courage to do more in strengthening the bilateral, regional, and multilateral cooperation between the two countries.

Chairperson COPAIR Amna Malik and Tazeen Akhtar presenting sovenire to Ambassador Ethiopia H.E Jemal Beker
Chairperson COPAIR Amna Malik and Tazeen Akhtar presenting sovenire to Ambassador Ethiopia H.E Jemal Beker

Finally, he underscored the importance of working together with the government, business community, education sector, think tanks, and media of Pakistan to cooperate on a range of areas that explore and harness the availed opportunities across the countries.
In conclusion, the participants raised pertinent questions on how to boost bilateral cooperation and Ambassador Jemal Beker answered accordingly.

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