No body or law exists to register Beauty Parlors and Hair Saloons in Islamabad

Senate of PakistanNo body or law exists to register Beauty Parlors and Hair Saloons...

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The Senate was told that there is no special registering body or law for registering Beauty Parlors and Hair Saloons in Islamabad.

Replying to a question by Senator Mohsin Aziz, the Minister for Interior Sheikh Rashid Ahmed told the House on Tuesday that all Hair Saloons and Beauty Parlors in Islamabad are registered by the Directorate of Municipal Administration under the ICT Municipal Bye Laws 1960.

The minister told that the Islamabad Health System is looked after by two Health Departments; the Directorate of Health Services (DHS) under the Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad (MCI) for sectoral areas within the CDA service area; and the District Health Officer (DHO) Office under the Ministry of National Health Services Coordination and Regulation (MoNHSRC) for rural, sub-urban and peri-urban areas (Societies).

The Senate was apprised that Beauty Parlors and Hair Saloons are inspected routinely for checking hygiene of staff, equipment, and environment.

It was told that during the last three years, 311 inspections of 58 Beauty Parlours and Hair Saloons registered by the Directorate of Municipal Administration (DMA) were conducted, and 207 Improvement Notices and 98 Challans were issued to them.

Furthermore, it was apprised that the staff members of Beauty Parlors and Hair Saloons are directed to undergo medical test examination by the Lab of DHS MCI and resultantly each staff is issued a certificate of fitness based on Hepatitis B and C tests.

The House was told that from 2019 to 2021, 427 Hepatitis B and C tests of the staff of the said Beauty Parlours and Hair Saloons were conducted.

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