Non-implementation of UN resolutions caused sufferings to Kashmiris, says Ambassador Mazhar Javed

Foreign OfficeNon-implementation of UN resolutions caused sufferings to Kashmiris, says Ambassador Mazhar Javed

Kathmandu, Nepal: The Ambassador of Pakistan Mazhar Javed has said that the non-implementation of UN resolutions has caused grave sufferings to Kashmiris living in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Ambassador Mazhar Javed
Ambassador Mazhar Javed
Ambassador briefed Kathmandu-based Nepali media at the Embassy of Pakistan on Sunday and recollected the genesis of the dispute and the adoption of UNSC resolutions promising the people of Jammu and Kashmir their right to self-determination.
Ambassador briefed Nepali media at the Embassy of Pakistan on Sunday and recollected the genesis of the dispute and the adoption of UNSC resolutions promising the people of Jammu and Kashmir their right to self-determination.

He stated that Kashmiris are (were) observing January 5 all over the world as day of “Right to Self Determination for the People of Jammu Kashmir”.

Ambassador briefed Kathmandu-based Nepali media at the Embassy of Pakistan on Sunday and recollected the genesis of the dispute and the adoption of UNSC resolutions promising the people of Jammu and Kashmir their right to self-determination.

According to a Press Statement issued by the Embassy, participants expressed serious concern on the worsening human rights situation in Kashmir due to months-long clamp down on millions of people in the occupied territory, according to the embassy.

Intellectuals, media personalities and representatives of human rights organizations attended the event.

Ambassador Mazhar Javed is a Career Diplomat. He joined Foreign Service of Pakistan in 1989. He has served in various Pakistan Missions abroad in different capacities: Ankara (1995-1998), Tehran (2001-2004), Hong Kong (2004-2007), Sofia (2009-2011) and Berlin (2011-2014).

His last assignment before taking over the charge in Nepal was as Director General in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (September 2014 – January 2016).

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