OIC condemns Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan

EuropeOIC condemns Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan

Monitoring Desk: The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has condemned Armenia`s military aggression against Azerbaijan, reports Azeri State-Run News Agency AZERTAC.

Following is the statement issued by OIC:

“The General Secretariat of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is following with deep concern the aggression by the Republic of Armenian forces against the Republic of Azerbaijan’s forces in several locations on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, violating the ceasefire and leaving behind civilian casualties,” the OIC said in a statement.

“While the OIC strongly condemns repeated provocations and aggression by the military forces of the Republic of Armenia, it renews its solidarity with the Republic of Azerbaijan and recalls the relevant resolutions and decisions of the OIC and the United Nations Security Council.”

The OIC called for the full and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian forces from the occupied Azerbaijani territories and for dialogue to reach a political solution to the conflict between the two countries based on respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the inviolability of its internationally recognized borders.

It may be mentioned that Armenia once again attacked Azerbaijan without any provocation and both the countries are in war-like situation.

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