Our armed forces are our pride, says PM Imran Khan

Government of PakistanOur armed forces are our pride, says PM Imran Khan

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Prime Minister Imran khan launched the public version of the first-ever National Security Policy 2022-26 document at a Ceremony in the Prime Minister Office in Islamabad on January 14, 2022.

The Launch Ceremony was attended by Federal Ministers, National Security Adviser, Parliamentarians, Chairman Joint Chief of Staff Committee (CJCSC), all Services Chiefs, Senior Civil and Military Officials, Members of Academia, Think Tanks, Media and Civil Society.

In his keynote address, Prime Minister Imran Khan explained the significance of his government’s successful initiative of producing the National Security Policy 2022-26.

The prime minister said that the National Security Policy was a major priority of his government.

Imran Khan congratulated the team of the National Security Adviser Dr. Moeed Yusuf and his team for completing the task.

The prime minister also highlighted the importance of the policy’s successful implementation and announced that the National Security Committee (NSC) will regularly review progress.

To Download National Security Policy of Pakistan 2022-26, Click Here ….

The prime minister explained that the National Security Policy 2022-2026 centers on the government’s vision which believes that the security of Pakistan rests in the security of its citizens. He said that any national security approach must prioritize national cohesion and the prosperity of people while guaranteeing fundamental rights and social justice without discrimination.

To achieve the vast potential of our citizens, it is necessary to promote delivery-based good governance, he said.

The prime minister emphasized that our armed forces are our pride and glue the nation together.

Given the threats we face in the region and the growing threat of hybrid warfare, armed forces will continue to receive even greater support and importance, he said.

Prime Minister Imran Khan explained that the foremost aim of our foreign policy and military capability will remain peace and stability in the region and beyond. He said that our foreign policy will also focus much more on economic diplomacy going forward.

In his remarks, the National Security Adviser Dr. Moeed Yusuf briefly explained the National Security Policy vision and thanked the prime minister and all officials for their constant support.

Moeed Yusuf said that the National Security Policy has taken a broad view of national security as both traditional and non-traditional issues impacted our security.

While the National Security Policy is centered around economic security, the geo-strategic and geo-political imperatives also feature prominently to strengthen Pakistan security and standing in the world, he remarked.

The adviser highlighted that this was a document finalized after full civil-military consensus.

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