Pak – Russia Special Forces joint exercise DRUZHBA-V underway at Tarbela

Pakistan ArmyPak - Russia Special Forces joint exercise DRUZHBA-V underway at Tarbela

Islamabad, Pakistan: The Joint Exercise of Pakistan and Russian Federation DRUZHBA-V continues at Tarbela.

DRUZHBA (Дружба) is a Russian word that means Friendship.

The participating troops are busy in practicing Counter-Terrorism drills and procedures, rappelling and preparations for sky diving. Sports activities are also part of the exercise.

Since 2016, Pakistan and Russian forces are engaged in joint exercise although the arch rival of Pakistan and historic friend of Russia—India expressed its bitterness over the close military relationship between Russia and Pakistan.

In 2016, Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh postponed his visit to Russia that was scheduled on September 18. However, India said that visit had been postponed due to an attack on an Indian army base in Uri— a brigade command housing place in Indian held Jammu and Kashmir.

According to diplomatic sources Russia conveyed to India that “Дружба-2016” could not be postponed.

Relations between Russia and Pakistan are important for regional security referring to the situation in Afghanistan.

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