Pakistan Army showed reality to Indian based media to expose Indian claims over Balakot Air Strikes

Pakistan ArmyPakistan Army showed reality to Indian based media to expose Indian claims...

Rawalpindi, Pakistan: Pakistan Army has shown reality to Indian-based media to expose Indian claims over Balakot strikes by inviting a group of international media journalists mostly India based and Ambassadors, Defence Attachés of various countries in Pakistan who visited impact site of 26 February Indian air violation, near Jabba, Balakot.

DG ISPR briefed the group about details of the event negating repeated false Indian claims with ground realities.

Visitors were shown bomb craters of denied Indian air strike attempt in barren open spaces with no loss to life or infrastructure. Group also visited nearby madrassa claimed by India for having been struck and killing scores of terrorists. Visitors freely interacted with student children and teachers and saw for themselves that madrassa stood on ground untouched with only innocent local children undergoing education.

DG ISPR reiterated that India instead of pursuing false claims should accept the reality, stay a responsible state for peace in the region and especially to look inward to identify reasons for out of hand situation inside Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir.

Later, group visited APS Swat, a state of the art education facility with computer and science labs, Auditorium and sports stadium. This was established by Pakistan Army as a gift for resilient people of Swat in recognition of their contributions and sacrifices in defeating terrorism as terrorists had specially targeted educational institutions during the unrest.
Later the group also visited Sabaoon (morning light) de-radicalization Centre Malakand a rehabilitation facility for psychologically treating indoctrinated Juvenile and help them return to normal life and become useful citizens of society.

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