Pakistan condoles deaths in Iraq hospital fire

Foreign OfficePakistan condoles deaths in Iraq hospital fire

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Pakistan has expressed grief over the tragic incident of fire that erupted in a hospital in southern Iraq.

On Monday night, a fire broke at the Coronavirus Isolation ward of Al-Hussein Hospital in Iraqi Southern Nasiriya City, leaving at least 92 people dead and further over 100 injured.

“We extend sincere condolences to the government and fraternal people of Iraq on the loss of precious lives and injuries caused to many,” the Foreign Office Spokesperson Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri in a statement on Thursday.

The Spokesperson said that Pakistan stands with brotherly Iraq in this hour of grief.

The Foreign Office Spokesperson said that we offer our prayers for the departed souls and wish speedy recovery to those injured in the incident.

“We also wish that Allah Almighty grants forbearance to the bereaved families,” he added.

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