Pakistan donates COVID-19 medical supplies to Afghanistan

UncategorizedPakistan donates COVID-19 medical supplies to Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan:  In the spirit of brotherhood and goodwill humanitarian gesture, the government of Pakistan sent much needed medical supplies of oxygen cylinders and concentrators, ventilators, Personal Protection Equipment (PPEs), thermal guns, and other relevant items for protection against the COVID-19 pandemic to the brotherly people of Afghanistan.

The Consul General of Pakistan in Jalalabad Abidullah handed over these equipments to the relevant authorities of Afghanistan today at the Torkham border.

It is hoped that the medical equipments would help in saving the lives of the affected Afghan people who are facing a huge challenge at this critical time.

Meanwhile, the Ambassador of Pakistan to Afghanistan Mansoor Ahmad Khan has tweeted that Pakistan is ready to assist Afghanistan in overcoming the rising COVID challenge.

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