Pakistan Hosts World Environment Day 2021

Government of PakistanPakistan Hosts World Environment Day 2021

ISLAMABAD, Pakisan: Pakistan is hosting the World Environment Day 2021 on Saturday in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

The World Environment Day 2021 is being observed on June 5 under the theme “Ecosystem Restoration” with a focus on resetting our relation with nature.

The Day is being celebrated across the world through various events and activities in line with the latest COVID-19 regulations.

As host of the World Environment Day 2021, Pakistan will highlight environmental issues and showcase the Country’s own initiatives and its role in global efforts.

Led by Prime Minister Imran Khan, Pakistan is fully committed to playing a leadership role in addressing the issue of Climate Change through various projects and initiatives.

Meanwhile, Pakistan has urged the world to join hands to protect the environment and reset its relationship with nature.

In a tweet on Saturday, Prime Minister Imran Khan said that the government is fully committed to play a leadership role in the restoration of the ecosystem.

The prime minister said that our efforts have also been acknowledged globally.

Separately in his message on the World Environment Day 2021, the Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi said that Pakistan has been proactively focusing on measures to protect the environment to reduce the destruction caused by a myriad of anthropogenic activities.

The Naval Chief said that there is no denying the fact that ‘Ecosystem Restoration’ is a global undertaking requiring response at a massive scale.

Admiral Niazi said that Pakistan Navy also celebrates World Environment Day to underscore the significance of the environment and undertakes numerous protection measures, focusing particularly on the marine environment.

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