Pakistan’s 75th Independence Day celebrated in Paris

Diplomatic CirclePakistan’s 75th Independence Day celebrated in Paris

PARIS, France: The flag hoisting ceremony was held at Pakistan Embassy in France to commemorate the 75th Independence Day of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in a simple yet dignified manner on Saturday.

The Charge d’Affaires Abbas Sarwar Qureshi raised the Pakistani flag to the tune of the national anthem in the presence of members of the Pakistani community, Embassy officials, and their families.

The messages of President Dr. Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Imran Khan were read out on the occasion.

Both the leaders paid rich tribute to the founding fathers for their vision, impeccable leadership, and immense sacrifices of the Muslims of the sub-continent to achieve a separate homeland.

While expressing solidarity with the Kashmiri, the leadership underscored that we should not forget our Kashmiri brothers and sisters in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), struggling for their right to self-determination under extremely adverse circumstances marked by illegal Indian occupation and unspeakable repression.

They reassured that Pakistan will continue to extend its full support to the Kashmiris in their just cause.

In his remarks, the Charge d’Affaires shed light on the inspiring life of Quaid-e-Azam and said that all Pakistanis need to work actively for the prosperity of their homeland in accordance with Quaid’s vision.

While highlighting the achievements of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s government, he said that timely and effective COVID-19 response strategy has been appreciated by the world. With the blessings of Allah Almighty Pakistan remained protected from the worst effects of the pandemic.

Abbas Sarwar Qureshi urged the Pakistani community in France to excel in all fields and project positive image of Pakistan through their conduct.

Mr. Qureshi highlighted that Pakistan’s positive contribution in promoting global peace and security.

The Charge d’Affaires Charge d’Affaires Abbas Sarwar Qureshi also underscored the vibrant role Pakistan’s women and youth are playing in the development and progress of the country.

The event included poetry recitation by children and certificate distribution among the participants.

On the occasion, the Embassy also arranged a photo exhibition showcasing the vibrant culture, landscape, and history of Pakistan.

While inaugurating the exhibition, the Charge d’Affaires said that Pakistan has immense potential for tourism and has been a welcome destination for tourists from across the world.

The ceremony concluded with the prayer for the continued progress of Pakistan.

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