Pakistan’s bilateral trade with Afghanistan, Iran & China in last three years

BusinessPakistan’s bilateral trade with Afghanistan, Iran & China in last three years

Pakistan-Afghanistan bilateral trade

The bilateral trade between Pakistan and Afghanistan reached to US$ 1597 million in the Fiscal Year 2020-21 as compared to US$ 1330 million in FY 2019-20.

Pakistan’s exports to Afghanistan remained at US$ 1018 million while its imports from Afghanistan stood at US$ 578.7 million.

Pakistan’s top export products to Afghanistan include rice, cement, cirrus fruits, and medicaments, etc while Pakistan’s top import products from Afghanistan included cotton, coal, dries vegetables, and grapes.

The bilateral trade between Pakistan and Afghanistan during the last three years is as under:

The following are details of imports and exports made to and from Afghanistan during the last three years;

Pakistan-Iran bilateral trade

The bilateral trade between Pakistan and Iran remained at US$ 513.61 million in 2020-21

  • Pakistan’s custom data shows no exports to Iran for the year 2020-21
  • Export products to Iran include printed books, waste, and scrap of iron & steel and machinery.
  • Major imported products from Iran include petroleum gases, electrical energy, ferrous waste, and scrap petroleum oils, and tomatoes

The bilateral trade between Pakistan and Iran during the last three years is as under;

The following are details of imports and exports made to and from Iran during the last three years;

Pakistan-China bilateral trade

The bilateral trade between Pakistan and China during the last three years is as under;

The following are the sector-wise details of imports and exports made to and from China and their value;


Note: The above figures were shared with the Senate by the Minister for Commerce on November 12, 2021.

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