PM Imran Khan is keen for Foreign Direct Investment to Pakistan, says Raza Bashir Tarar

Foreign OfficePM Imran Khan is keen for Foreign Direct Investment to Pakistan, says...

Ottawa, Canada: “Pakistan is a promising market of 220 million people and Canadian businesses should take benefit of investment opportunities available in the country”, said the High Commissioner, Raza Bashir Tarar while addressing launching ceremony of Canada-Pakistan Affiliated Chambers of Trade (CPACT) at Ottawa.
According to a statement issued by High Commissioner office, Tarar said that the Government of Prime Minister Imran khan has reinvigorated the Board of Investment to develop a close coordination mechanism with the foreign missions abroad and local chambers and business houses to increase the flow of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to Pakistan.
The High Commissioner said that despite visa and adverse travel advisory related obstacles Pakistan-Canada bilateral trade has increased to C$ 1.5 billion. He highlighted that Pakistan’s investment policy is one of the most liberal in the region and provides a conducive environment for attracting FDI. Canadians can benefit from investment opportunities in food processing, automobiles, Information Technology, Conservation of forests, recycling industry and services sectors which are priority areas for the government of Pakistan, he added.
Referring to energy demands in the country, the High Commissioner underlined that Canada’s expertise in hydel, renewable and clean technology power generation could be the areas where the two countries can further cooperate for mutual benefit.
The High Commissioner assured the Canadian Chambers and businesses of extending all possible support and assistance in bringing together business delegations and traders from the two countries to participate in joint ventures and benefit from existing profit-making opportunities.
Earlier, Mr. Abdul Hayee Bokhari, Founder CPACT gave a detailed presentation on roadmap of the chamber’s deliberations to bring together business community of both the countries to discuss possibilities of joint ventures.

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