PM Imran Khan in his meeting with President Putin urged Ukraine issue must be resolved through diplomacy

Government of PakistanPM Imran Khan in his meeting with President Putin urged Ukraine issue...

MOSCOW, Russia: Prime Minister Imran Khan and the Russian President Vladimir Putin held a nearly three-hour-long meeting at Kremlin in Moscow on Thursday and discussed the entire gamut of Pakistan-Russia bilateral cooperation, and exchange views on regional and global issues of mutual interest.

The Prime Minister regretted the latest situation between Russia and Ukraine and said that Pakistan had hoped diplomacy could avert a military conflict. The Prime Minister stressed that conflict was not in anyone’s interest and that the developing countries were always hit the hardest economically in case of conflict. He underlined Pakistan’s belief that disputes should be resolved through dialogue and diplomacy.​

The two leaders also had a working lunch in between the meeting.

In the meeting, the two sides reviewed the entire array of Pakistan-Russia bilateral relations including economic and energy cooperation, particularly the Pakistan Stream gas pipeline.

Later, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy of Russia Alexander Novak also met Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Earlier prior to meeting with President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Imran Khan attended a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier by the Kremlin Wall in Moscow.

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a war memorial dedicated to the Soviet soldiers who perished defending their motherland during the Second World War.

In Moscow, Imran Khan will also visit the biggest mosque of Russia and Islamic Centre.

Prime Minister Imran Khan accompanied by a delegation is paying a two official visit to Russia at the invitation of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin as the wo Countries look forward towards ushering a new era of bilateral relationship.

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