President Arif Alvi reaffirms resolve to curb & eliminate trade in narcotics

Government of PakistanPresident Arif Alvi reaffirms resolve to curb & eliminate trade in narcotics

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: President Dr. Arif Alvi has reaffirmed the resolve to curb and eliminate trade in narcotics and banned substances posing serious danger to health of our people.

“Today, we reiterate our resolve and commitment to collectively fight against illicit drugs,” the president said in his message on the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking being observed on Saturday.

The president said that every year the International Drug Day is celebrated on June 26 as a reminder to all including the world leaders, international community, global alliances and associations of our shared responsibility to fight the menace of illicit trading and trafficking in drugs through joint collaborative efforts.

The president said that the government of Pakistan accords foremost priority to combatting drug abuse and taking effective measures against illicit trafficking.

Dr. Arif Alvi said that we are among the top three Countries of the world in global narcotic seizures and we are among the leading Countries to effectively interdict illicit drug trafficking through enhanced border surveillance.

President Arif Alvi said that the regional Countries need to make integrated efforts to check illicit cross-border drug trade to save our future generations.

“It is really a great honour for the Country that the international community has also acknowledged and appreciated Pakistan’s contributions and commitment to combat drug trafficking,” he said.

The president said that the Anti-Narcotics Policy 2019 was adopted by Pakistan in accordance with international best practices.

The president said that the government is actively engaged with the UN and other international counter-narcotics partners to make the world drug-free. He said that it is heartening to state that Pakistan has become a nearly poppy-free Country due to the effective measures taken by the government.

“Yet we feel that a lot more needs to be done by the international community to overcome the menace of drug trafficking,” President Arif Alvi said.

“I take this opportunity to urge the NGOs, civil society, religious leaders and the media to come forward and support the government’s efforts to fight illicit drugs so as to provide a prosperous future to our people as well as save the world from the menace of drug-trafficking.”

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