President reaffirms resolve to make Pakistan prosperous Country

Government of PakistanPresident reaffirms resolve to make Pakistan prosperous Country

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: President Dr. Arif Alvi has reaffirmed the resolve to make Pakistan an economically stronger and prosperous Country.

In his message on Pakistan Day being celebrated on Tuesday, the president paid homage to the founding fathers of Pakistan whose services and sacrifices led to the creation of a separate homeland for the Muslims of the sub-continent.

“On this historic day, we vow to continue our struggle to make our society humane, inclusive and tolerant to other minorities residing in Pakistan,” the president said.

“We also pledge to uphold democratic values, rule of law and the Islamic way of life in our Country as envisioned by our founding fathers.”

The president said that on this Pakistan Day, we must also remember our Kashmiri brethren who have been subjugated for over seven decades by the Indian security forces.

President Arif Alvi said that innocent Kashmiris have been subjected to the worst form of repression and state-sponsored terrorism.

“We pledge our commitment to continue to support Kashmiris in their just struggle for their right to self-determination,” he said.

Dr. Arif Alvi demanded that the world must take notice of blatant human rights violations being committed by India in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

The president noted that the key to durable peace in South Asia is resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions.

Furthermore, he also said that today, we also salute our heroes, particularly the health workers and other concerned agencies, who played a great role in containing COVID-19 and providing health care to the people in the hour of need.

“We laud our health professionals for their untiring efforts who selflessly served the nation during the crisis,” the president.

The president also urged the fellow countrymen to follow all Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) concerning COVID-19 so as to overcome the third wave of the pandemic.

“I am sure that with unity, faith and discipline we can overcome any challenge that comes our way. May Allah be with us all. Pakistan Paindabad!,” President Arif Alvi said.

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