Prime Minister Imran Khan launches Scholarship Complaint Portal for Students

Government of PakistanPrime Minister Imran Khan launches Scholarship Complaint Portal for Students

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday launched the Scholarship Complaint Portal in Islamabad on Thursday for students across the Country, aiming at to resolve the issues faced by the students immediately.

The Scholarship Complaint Portal will be linked to the Prime Minister’s Citizen Portal and the Prime Minister’s Office will oversee timely redressal of the grievances.

While addressing the Launching Ceremony, Prime Minister Imran Khan said that the primary objective of the portal is to establish an exclusive facility for students getting education on Scholarship for their help and resolution of complaints.

The prime minister said that the Portal will also ensure transparency and meritocracy in the scholarship process. He said that the meritocracy will provide opportunity to the segments lagging behind to grow.

Imran Khan said that a panel of academics will monitor the Portal and new subjects and disciplines will be added for Scholarships as per market demand.

It is pertinent to mention that the incumbent government is spending more than Rs 28 billion on Scholarships for the education of deserving and talented students.

Currently, 2.6 million students including 72 percent women are benefiting from these Scholarships.

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