Prime Minister Imran Khan to attend Summit “Middle East Green Initiative”

Government of PakistanPrime Minister Imran Khan to attend Summit “Middle East Green Initiative”

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Prime Minister Imran Khan will participate in a Summit focusing on the “Middle East Green Initiative” to be hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in October 2021.

In this regard, an invitation was extended by the Saudi Ambassador to Pakistan Nawaf bin Saeed Ahmad Al-Malkiy to Prime Minister Imran Khan in a meeting in Islamabad on Friday.

The invitation was extended on behalf of the Saudi Crown Prince His Royal Highness Mohammad Bin Salman Al Saud.

The prime minister graciously accepted the invitation.

It may be recalled that the initiatives of the Saudi Crown Prince, announced earlier in 2021, align closely with Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Climate Change Initiatives – Clean Green Pakistan and 10 Billion Tree Tsunami.

Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are also collaborating closely to develop synergies in their Climate Change related strategies.

The invitation extended to Prime Minister Imran Khan is an acknowledgment of Pakistan’s leading role in combating Climate Change.

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