Qureshi apprises US Secretary of State of Pakistan’s deep concern on Palestinian situation

Foreign OfficeQureshi apprises US Secretary of State of Pakistan’s deep concern on Palestinian...

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi spoke with the US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken on Sunday, and discussed bilateral relations and important regional developments.

The foreign minister reaffirmed Pakistan’s desire for a broad-based and comprehensive partnership with the United States that was anchored in close economic cooperation, enhanced regional connectivity, and common vision for a peaceful South Asia.

Qureshi highlighted the salience of transformed Pakistan (Naya Pakistan), with its shifting focus on geo-economics. He underscored that this vision rested on three central pillars of peace, development partnerships, and connectivity.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi reaffirmed Pakistan’s steadfast support for the Afghan peace process while underscoring that achieving a peaceful political solution in Afghanistan was the shared responsibility of all Afghan parties as well as the key international and regional stakeholders.

Underscoring the importance of responsible withdrawal, the foreign minister stressed that reduction in violence, permanent ceasefire, and seizing this historic opportunity to secure an inclusive, broad-based, and comprehensive political settlement was indispensable.

The foreign minister highlighted Pakistan’s immense sacrifices in the fight against terrorism and the progress made in strengthening the anti-terrorist financing and anti-money laundering regimes. He reaffirmed the resolve to continue efforts in this regard.

The foreign minister apprised the US secretary of state of Pakistani people’s deep concern and anguish on the worsening humanitarian situation in the Israeli Occupied Palestinian Territories and underscored the importance of the US role in ensuring necessary steps to help address the dire situation, restore peace, and facilitate a just solution.

Qureshi and Antony J. Blinken agreed to stay in touch and work together on advancing the two countries’ shared bilateral and regional interests.

Meanwhile, in a statement, the US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price said that the “Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke today with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi and highlighted the importance of continued cooperation on the Afghan peace process, Pakistan’s progress on countering terrorism, and the potential to expand our trade and commercial ties and to improve regional connectivity in South Asia.”

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