Qureshi reaffirms Pakistan’s commitment to forge closer cooperation with Afghanistan

Foreign OfficeQureshi reaffirms Pakistan’s commitment to forge closer cooperation with Afghanistan

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has reiterated Pakistan’s commitment to forge closer cooperation with Afghanistan in all fields.

Holding a telephonic conversation with his Afghan Counterpart Hanif Atmar on Friday, Shah Mahmood Qureshi underlined the importance of the Afghanistan-Pakistan Action Plan for Peace and Solidarity (​APAPPS) as a vital platform to carry forward the bilateral cooperation on key tracks.

The foreign minister also emphasized the need for the early conclusion of talks relating to the Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (APTTA).

Reiterating Pakistan’s consistent support to the Afghan peace process, the foreign minister underlined that the intra-Afghan negotiations provided a historic opportunity to achieve an inclusive, broad-based, and comprehensive political settlement in Afghanistan.

Qureshi urged the Afghan parties to work constructively for the shared objective of a stable and peaceful Afghanistan. He underscored the need to remain cognizant of the challenges and impediments on the way, which could be overcome through patience, perseverance, and persistence.

The foreign minister reaffirmed Pakistan’s resolve to facilitate all efforts for a negotiated political settlement and in this context also underlined the importance of exercising vigilance against the role of “spoilers.”

During the conversation, the two foreign ministers exchanged greetings and good wishes on the eve of Nowruz.

Qureshi extended an invitation to the Foreign Minister of Afghanistan Hanif Atmar to visit Pakistan at the earliest convenience.

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