Rawalpindi hosts Azerbaijani Military Delegation

Pakistan ArmyRawalpindi hosts Azerbaijani Military Delegation

Monitoring Desk: An Azerbaijani Military delegation held visited Joint Staff Headquarters of Pakistan Army in Rawalpindi to hold 9th meeting of Working Level Groups of Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan with Pakistani counterparts.

According to Azeri State Run News Agency AZERTAC, the Azerbaijani delegation was led by Major General Huseyn Mahmudov, Chief of the International Military Cooperation Department.

Rawalpindi hosts Azerbaijani Military Delegation
Rawalpindi hosts Azerbaijani Military Delegation

The sides discussed the current state and prospects of the development of military cooperation, issues of regional security and the strengthening of friendly relations between the armies of the two countries, including holding of joint events in 2020.

Rawalpindi hosts Azerbaijani Military Delegation
Photo by AZERTAC News Agency

DND News Agency adds from Islamabad

The military cooperation of Pakistan and Azerbaijan, enshrined in the relevant agreement, provides for joint military exercises. Under this agreement, the Azerbaijani naval forces took part in the multinational naval exercises AMAN-2013 in the Arabian Sea held in Pakistan. Azerbaijan is interested in buying Pakistani JF-17 fighter-bombers. Currently, the SU-25, MiG-21 and MiG-29 are in service with Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan also acquired ten Super Mushak training aircraft from Pakistan.
Azerbaijan has always attached great importance to military cooperation with Pakistan. In fairness, it is worth noting that the Pakistani army is one of the largest in Asia. The Armed Forces of Pakistan in number occupy 7th place in the world. The number of military personnel exceeds 650 thousand people. In addition, Pakistan’s military engineers have made significant strides in rocket science over the past few years.

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