Renowned Economist Dr. Arthur B. Laffer meets Shaukat Tarin

BusinessRenowned Economist Dr. Arthur B. Laffer meets Shaukat Tarin

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The renowned International Economist Dr. Arthur B. Laffer held a meeting with the Prime Minister’s Adviser on Finance and Revenue Shaukat Tarin at the Finance Division in Islamabad on Thursday.

Members of the American Business Council, the Secretary Finance, and senior officers participated in the meeting.

Welcoming Dr. Arthur B. Laffer, the adviser highlighted the current economic situation of Pakistan and briefed on the steps taken by the present government to address the challenges faced by the economy of Pakistan and put it on the path of progress and growth.

The adviser stressed that priority sectors such as the modernization of agriculture, IT, and industry as vital for the increase in exports and economic growth.

Shaukat Tarin said that the government has taken pragmatic steps to tackle inflation, stabilize foreign exchange and increase productivity, he added.

Dr. Arthur B. Laffer appreciated the efforts taken by the present government in various sectors for economic progress and development.

Citing examples from USA, Turkey, and China in achieving economic stability, he suggested key economic reforms to boost prosperity and economic growth in Pakistan.

Dr. Arthur cited great potential in accelerated privatization, simplification of taxes, and strengthening of the exchange rate to push the economy forward.

The adviser applauded Dr. Arthur’s suggestions in the realm of economy and valuable support for bringing economic progress in Pakistan.

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